The Basic Principles Of Egg Box Making Machines

If you are thinking of getting an egg box machine, you need to know the basics principles of this. Understanding the principles will help you choose the right machine and know how it should work. There are three parts to the machine and you need to know how each works if you want to make the most of the machine.

Egg Carton Making Machine
Egg Box Making Machine of Beston Group

The Pulp Making Section

The first section of your machine will be the pulper machine. The majority of egg boxes are made with pulp which is a combination of water and waste paper. There are some machines that will use wood pulp to create the egg boxes.

The pulp making section will usually have a hydraulic pulper, a pulp refiner and a pulp pump. The section should also have a storage pool for both water and pulp. All of these parts will need to work together to create the pulp that you need. Read about the detailed pulp molding process here.

Pulp Molding Machine
Pulp Moulding Machine

The Moulding Section

The next section of the machine will be the molding section. This is where the molds for your egg boxes will be and it is connected to the pulp making section. Once the pulp is ready, the egg carton making machine will pump it into the molds.

It is important to note that this is the section that offers the most customization. You will be able to get different molds for the different types of egg boxes that you want to make. There are some egg box making machines which are able to hold molds for other cartons as well.

According to the reviews from most of the local egg box manufacturers, the molds that are used in this section will be metal and should be durable. There are different sizes that can be used and you need to get the one that suits your business the best. It is also important to note the speed of pouring in this section as it will impact the overall output. The machine can be used for making other molded pulp products.

The Drying Section

The last section of the machine will be the drying section. As the name suggests, this section is where the pulp in the molds will be dried. This is a very important section because boxes that are not dried fully or correctly will not hold the eggs correctly.

There are three common drying systems that can be used. The first is natural drying which takes the longest amount of time to complete. The second is brick drying with a conveyor belt and the last is metal drying with a conveyor belt.

The metal drying process is often considered the best because it is easy to work with and will work faster. If you cannot get this type of drying, you should look for brick drying. Natural drying should be a last resort as it requires good weather. Beston global technology for egg tray, box and crate making is always here for you to answer all your questions about the egg tray machine india.

There are three sections to egg box making machines and you need to understand what each section does. If one of the sections does not work correctly, you will not get the output that you need. The pulp making section will lead to the molding section and this leads to the drying section.

Find more latest pictures and information about this machine online.